[LayaAirIDE 2.0]官方案例里摄像机绕物体旋转脚本的问题

官方案例里的CameraMoveScripts在2.0版本下有很多接口,属性不存在。比如this.camera.moveForward、 super._initialize(owner)、super._update(state)等,放在1.7版本里是有的。是不是LayaAir.d.ts有修改。现在有别的接口,方法替代吗,我在官方文档里找了好久都没找到。或者哪位大神能提供一份脚本,感激不尽


import Transform3D = Laya.Transform3D;
import Vector3 = laya.d3.math.Vector3;
import Quaternion = laya.d3.math.Quaternion;

var camera = this.newScene.addChild(new Laya.Camera(0, 0.1, 100)) as Laya.Camera;
camera.transform.rotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(-32, -75, 0);
camera.transform.position =new Laya.Vector3(-8.2, 5.3, 2.2);
var modelViewer = camera.addComponent(ModelViewer);
modelViewer.AroundPos = plane.transform.position;
export default class ModelViewer extends Laya.Script {
// Text m_debugTip;
public canRotation_X: boolean = true;
public canRotation_Y: boolean = true;
public canScale: boolean = true;

/// <summary>
/// Around center.
/// </summary>
//public target: Transform3D;
public AroundPos: Vector3 = new Vector3();
/// <summary>
/// Settings of mouse button, pointer and scrollwheel.
/// </summary>
public mouseSettings: MouseSettings = new MouseSettings(0, 1, 0.3);

/// <summary>
/// Range limit of angle.
/// </summary>
public angleRange: MyRange = new MyRange(5, 90);

/// <summary>
/// Range limit of distance.
/// </summary>
public distanceRange: MyRange = new MyRange(1, 10);

/// <summary>
/// Damper for move and rotate.
/// </summary>
///[Range(0, 10)]
public damper: number = 5;

/// <summary>
/// Camera current angls.
/// </summary>
public CurrentAngles: Vector3 = new Vector3();
public CurrentAnglesTemp: Vector3 = new Vector3();
/// <summary>
/// Current distance from camera to target.
/// </summary>
public CurrentDistance: number;

/// <summary>
/// Camera target angls.
/// </summary>
protected targetAngles: Vector3 = new Vector3();

/// <summary>
/// Target distance from camera to target.
/// </summary>
protected targetDistance: number;

//protected camera: Laya.Camera;
constructor() {
public transform: Transform3D;

onStart(): void {
this.transform = (this.owner as Laya.Sprite3D).transform;
this.CurrentAngles = new Vector3(-this.transform.rotationEuler.x, this.transform.rotationEuler.y, 0);
this.targetAngles = new Vector3(-this.transform.rotationEuler.x, this.transform.rotationEuler.y, 0);
this.CurrentDistance = Vector3.distance(this.transform.position, this.AroundPos);
this.targetDistance = Vector3.distance(this.transform.position, this.AroundPos);
Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.mouseDown);
Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_MOVE, this, this.mouseMove);
Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.mouseUp);
Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_WHEEL, this, this.mouseWheel)
onUpdate(): void {
if (Laya.Browser.onMobile) {
} else {
if (!this.canRotation_X) this.targetAngles.y = 0;
if (!this.canRotation_Y) this.targetAngles.x = 0;
this.CurrentAngles = this.LerpVector3(this.CurrentAngles, this.targetAngles, this.deltaTime * this.damper);
this.CurrentDistance = this.LerpNum(this.CurrentDistance, this.targetDistance, this.deltaTime * this.damper);
//Update transform position and rotation.
// Quaternion.createFromYawPitchRoll(this.CurrentAngles.y,this.CurrentAngles.x,this.CurrentAngles.z,this.tempRotationZ)
// this.transform.rotation = this.tempRotationZ;
this.CurrentAnglesTemp.x = -this.CurrentAngles.x;
this.CurrentAnglesTemp.y = this.CurrentAngles.y;
this.CurrentAnglesTemp.z = this.CurrentAngles.z;
this.transform.rotationEuler = this.CurrentAnglesTemp;
Vector3.scale(this.GetForward, this.CurrentDistance, this.tempV)
Vector3.subtract(this.AroundPos, this.tempV, this.tempV1)
this.transform.position = this.tempV1;
this.lastMouseX = Laya.stage.mouseX;
this.lastMouseY = Laya.stage.mouseY;

private oldPosition1: Vector3 = new Vector3();
private oldPosition2: Vector3 = new Vector3();

private m_IsSingleFinger: boolean;
private void ScaleCamera()
var tempPosition1 = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
var tempPosition2 = Input.GetTouch(1).position;
float currentTouchDistance = Vector3.Distance(tempPosition1, tempPosition2);
float lastTouchDistance = Vector3.Distance(oldPosition1, oldPosition2);
distance -= ( currentTouchDistance - lastTouchDistance ) * scaleFactor * Time.deltaTime;
distance = Mathf.Clamp(distance, minDistance, maxDistance);
oldPosition1 = tempPosition1;
oldPosition2 = tempPosition2;

public get TouchCount(): number {
if (Laya.TouchManager.I._event.touches == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return this.myevent.touches.length;
public get Touchs(): Array<any> {
return this.myevent.touches
public get GetAxisX(): number {
return Laya.stage.mouseX - this.lastMouseX;
public get GetAxisY(): number {
return Laya.stage.mouseY - this.lastMouseY;
public get deltaTime(): number {
return Laya.timer.delta / 1000;

public deltaWheel: number = 0;

public FORWORD: Vector3 = new Vector3();
public get GetForward(): Vector3 {
return this.FORWORD
protected lastMouseX: number = 0;
protected lastMouseY: number = 0;
protected mouseRunning: boolean = false;

protected mouseDown(e: Laya.Event): void {
this.mouseRunning = true;
myevent: Laya.Event;
protected mouseMove(e: Laya.Event): void {
this.myevent = e;

protected mouseWheel(e: Laya.Event): void {
this.deltaWheel = e.delta;
protected mouseUp(e: Laya.Event): void {
this.mouseRunning = false;

protected Clamp(num, min, max): number {
if (num < min) {
return min;
} else if (num > max) {
return max;
} else {
return num;

protected LerpVector3(min: Vector3, max: Vector3, t: number): Vector3 {
var vec: Vector3 = new Vector3();
vec.x = min.x + t * (max.x - min.x);
vec.y = min.y + t * (max.y - min.y);
vec.z = min.z + t * (max.z - min.z);
return vec;
protected LerpNum(min: number, max: number, t: number): number {
return min + t * (max - min);

protected AroundByMobileInput(): void {
if (this.TouchCount == 1) {
this.targetAngles.y -= this.GetAxisX * this.mouseSettings.pointerSensitivity;
this.targetAngles.x += this.GetAxisY * this.mouseSettings.pointerSensitivity;
this.targetAngles.y = this.Clamp(this.targetAngles.y, this.angleRange.min, this.angleRange.max);
//Mouse pointer.
this.m_IsSingleFinger = true;
//Mouse scrollwheel.
if (this.canScale) {
if (this.TouchCount > 1) {
if (this.m_IsSingleFinger) {
this.oldPosition1 = new Vector3(this.Touchs[0].stageX, this.Touchs[0].stageY);
this.oldPosition2 = new Vector3(this.Touchs[1].stageX, this.Touchs[1].stageY);
var tempPosition1 = new Vector3(this.Touchs[0].stageX, this.Touchs[0].stageY);
var tempPosition2 = new Vector3(this.Touchs[1].stageX, this.Touchs[1].stageY);

var currentTouchDistance = Vector3.distance(tempPosition1, tempPosition2);
var lastTouchDistance = Vector3.distance(this.oldPosition1, this.oldPosition2);

this.targetDistance -= (currentTouchDistance - lastTouchDistance) * this.deltaTime * this.mouseSettings.wheelSensitivity;
// m_debugTip.text = ( currentTouchDistance - lastTouchDistance ).ToString() + " + " + targetDistance.ToString();


this.oldPosition1 = tempPosition1;
this.oldPosition2 = tempPosition2;
this.m_IsSingleFinger = false;
this.targetDistance = this.Clamp(this.targetDistance, this.distanceRange.min, this.distanceRange.max);
tempRotationZ: Quaternion = new Quaternion();
tempV: Vector3 = new Vector3();
tempV1: Vector3 = new Vector3();

/// <summary>
/// Camera around target by mouse input.
/// </summary>
protected AroundByMouseInput(): void {
if (this.mouseRunning) {
//Mouse pointer.
this.targetAngles.y -= (this.GetAxisX * this.mouseSettings.pointerSensitivity);
this.targetAngles.x += (this.GetAxisY * this.mouseSettings.pointerSensitivity);
this.targetAngles.x = this.Clamp(this.targetAngles.x, this.angleRange.min, this.angleRange.max);
//Mouse scrollwheel.
if (this.canScale) {
this.targetDistance -= this.deltaWheel * this.mouseSettings.wheelSensitivity;
this.deltaWheel = 0;
this.targetDistance = this.Clamp(this.targetDistance, this.distanceRange.min, this.distanceRange.max);


class MouseSettings {
/// <summary>
/// ID of mouse button.
/// </summary>
public mouseButtonID: number;

/// <summary>
/// Sensitivity of mouse pointer.
/// </summary>
public pointerSensitivity: number;

/// <summary>
/// Sensitivity of mouse ScrollWheel.
/// </summary>
public wheelSensitivity: number;

/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mouseButtonID">ID of mouse button.</param>
/// <param name="pointerSensitivity">Sensitivity of mouse pointer.</param>
/// <param name="wheelSensitivity">Sensitivity of mouse ScrollWheel.</param>
constructor(mouseButtonID: number, pointerSensitivity: number, wheelSensitivity: number) {
this.mouseButtonID = mouseButtonID;
this.pointerSensitivity = pointerSensitivity;
this.wheelSensitivity = wheelSensitivity;

/// <summary>
/// Range form min to max.
/// </summary>
class MyRange {
/// <summary>
/// Min value of range.
/// </summary>
public min: number;

/// <summary>
/// Max value of range.
/// </summary>
public max: number;

/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">Min value of range.</param>
/// <param name="max">Max value of range.</param>
constructor(min: number, max: number) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;

/// <summary>
/// Rectangle area on plane.
/// </summary>
class PlaneArea {
/// <summary>
/// Center of area.
/// </summary>
public center: Transform3D;

/// <summary>
/// Width of area.
/// </summary>
public width: number;

/// <summary>
/// Length of area.
/// </summary>
public length: number;

/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="center">Center of area.</param>
/// <param name="width">Width of area.</param>
/// <param name="length">Length of area.</param>
constructor(center: Transform3D, width: number, length: number) {
this.center = center;
this.width = width;
this.length = length;



那个脚本是 1.0的, 在2.0中可以参照它写脚本,并不一定可以套用的,3d 里面接口改动较多

