- 提高游戏的视觉效果:使用shader可以实现各种视觉效果,让游戏更加炫酷、生动、真实。
- 提高游戏的表现力:使用shader可以实现各种动画效果,让游戏中的角色、场景更加有表现力。
- 提高游戏的品质:使用shader可以让游戏更加细腻、精美,提高游戏的品质和用户体验。
用户逻辑层在Timer循环中更新游戏逻辑、输入等,并设置显示对象的属性。 框架逻辑层根据用户设置的属性,决定显示对象的渲染方式和是否重绘。 CPU到GPU渲染层将框架逻辑层决定的渲染信息提交给GPU,触发WebGL的接口调用完成渲染。
_inner_drawTexture(tex: Texture, imgid: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, m: Matrix, uv: ArrayLike<number>, alpha: number, lastRender: boolean): boolean { //省略部分代码.. //修改之前: this._submits[this._submits._length++] = this._curSubmit = submit = SubmitTexture.create(this, mesh, Value2D.create(ShaderDefines2D.TEXTURE2D, 0)); //修改之后: this._submits[this._submits._length++] = this._curSubmit = submit = SubmitTexture.create(this, mesh, Shader2X['customDefines2D'].indexOf(imgid) != -1 ? Value2D.create(ShaderDefines2D.TEXTURE2D, imgid) : Value2D.create(ShaderDefines2D.TEXTURE2D, 0)); // 原行替换即可,不要加注释什么的,否则会影响map准确性 }
Value2D类是 LayaAir 图形渲染系统中着色器处理的核心类,它主要用于封装 WebGL 渲染相关的数据,以便在着色器程序中使用。这些数据包括顶点、纹理、颜色等信息。
Value2D的实例会根据不同的需求传递给 GPU,用于控制图形渲染。
在 LayaAir 的绘制系统中,有许多继承自
Value2D是 LayaAir 游戏引擎中一个关键的基础类,用于处理图形渲染的各种参数和数据。它是高效渲染和实现各种图形效果的基础。
/** * 自定义2D的shader的Value2d扩展 */ export default class CustomValue2d extends Laya.TextureSV{ public u_colorMatrix: any[]; public strength: number = 0; public blurInfo: any[] = null; public colorMat: Float32Array = null; public colorAlpha: Float32Array = null; private value2dProxy = null; private _textureHost: Laya.Texture = null; // 自定义的ShaderDefines2D public static CustomId = 0x4000 public static applyCustomId(): number{ let currentId = this.CustomId; Laya.Shader2X['customDefines2D'].push(currentId); this.CustomId++; return currentId; } constructor(subID:number=0){ super(subID); this._attribLocation = ['posuv', 0, 'attribColor', 1, 'attribFlags', 2]; // 重写,增加代理绑定 Object.defineProperty(this, 'textureHost', { get() { return this._textureHost; }, set(newValue: number) { this._textureHost = newValue; this.value2dProxy = Laya.Shader2X['value2dMap'][this._textureHost.id]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); } public clear():void{ super.clear(); } public setValue(value: Laya.Shader2D):void{ super.setValue(value); } public upload():void{ //渲染之前可用更新自定义的变量 super.upload(); } /** * 以下为 代理参数传递,根据使用情况自己定义 */ public get texture_depth(): WebGLTexture { return this.value2dProxy.texture_depth; } public get dimensions(): number[] { return this.value2dProxy.dimensions; } public get mapDimensions(): number[] { return this.value2dProxy.mapDimensions; } public get scale(): number { return this.value2dProxy.scale; } public get offset(): number[] { return this.value2dProxy.offset; } public get focus(): number { return this.value2dProxy.focus; } public get enlarge(): number { return this.value2dProxy.enlarge; } }完成自定义
public use2dShader() { let shaderImage: Laya.Image = new Laya.Image(); let texture = Laya.loader.getRes("bg/anibg2.jpg"); // 深度图 let texture_depth = Laya.loader.getRes("bg/anibgdepth2.jpg"); // 申请id let id = CustomValue2d.applyCustomId(); texture.bitmap["_id"] = id; shaderImage.source = texture; shaderImage.zOrder = 999; shaderImage.width = Laya.stage.width; shaderImage.height = Laya.stage.height; // 创建深度动效 let aniDepthValue2d = new AniDepthValue2d(texture.id); aniDepthValue2d.texture_host_depth = texture_depth; aniDepthValue2d.dimensions = [texture.width, texture.height, texture_depth.width, texture_depth.height]; aniDepthValue2d.mapDimensions = [texture.width, texture.height]; Laya.Value2D._initone(Laya.ShaderDefines2D.TEXTURE2D | id, CustomValue2d); let attribLocation = ['posuv', 0, 'attribColor', 1, 'attribFlags', 2]; let shader = new Laya.Shader2X(Depth2dVS, Depth2dFS, Laya.ShaderDefines2D.TEXTURE2D | Laya.ShaderDefines2D.GAMMASPACE | id, null, attribLocation); Laya.stage.addChild(shaderImage); }
- 创建一个Laya.Image对象,用于显示着色器渲染后的图像,同时通过Laya.loader加载两张贴图,一张是背景贴图,另一张是深度图。
- 通过CustomValue2d类的applyCustomId()方法,申请一个自定义的ID。
- 将背景贴图的ID设置为申请的自定义ID,并将其作为Laya.Image对象的source属性。
- 创建一个AniDepthValue2d对象,用于处理深度图动效参数管理。
- 初始化自定义Value2D对象,使用上一步申请的自定义ID和CustomValue2d类。
- 创建一个Laya.Shader2X对象,将顶点着色器和片段着色器设为Depth2dVS和Depth2dFS,并设置ShaderDefines2D.TEXTURE2D、ShaderDefines2D.GAMMASPACE和上一步申请的自定义ID等属性。
- 将Laya.Image对象添加到舞台中,显示渲染后的图像。
export default class AniDepthValue2d { private _texture_depth: WebGLTexture = null; private _texture_host_depth: Laya.Texture = null; private _dimensions: number[] = [0, 0, 0, 0]; private _mapDimensions: number[] = [1, 5112]; private _scale: number = .0215; private _offset: number[] = [ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]; private _focus: number = .5; private _enlarge: number = 1.06; public animateType: number = 1; public animateDuration: number = 3; public easeFactor: number = .2; public animateScale = { x: 1, y: .95, z: 0.95, px: 0.9, py: .925, pz: .925 } public pointZ = { x: 0, y: 0 } public pointB = { x: 0, y: 0 } public constructor(texture_id: number) { // 绑定数据 (Laya.Shader2X as any)['value2dMap'][texture_id] = this; Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.update); } private update() { if (this.animateType == 0) { return; } if (this.animateType == 1) { // 投影 let time = Date.now() / 1e3 / this.animateDuration; let s = this.animateScale.px; let l = this.animateScale.py; let u = this.animateScale.pz; this.offset = [ Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * (time + s)) * this.animateScale.x, Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * (time + l)) * this.animateScale.y, .5 * (1 + Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * (time + u))) * this.animateScale.z ]; } } public get texture_depth(): WebGLTexture { return this._texture_depth; } public set texture_host_depth(texture: Laya.Texture) { this._texture_depth = (texture as any)["_getSource"](); this._texture_host_depth = texture; } public get dimensions(): number[] { return this._dimensions; } public set dimensions(value: number[]) { this._dimensions = value; } public get mapDimensions(): number[] { return this._mapDimensions; } public set mapDimensions(value: number[]) { this._mapDimensions = value; } public get scale(): number { return this._scale; } public set scale(value: number) { this._scale = value; } public get offset(): number[] { return this._offset; } public set offset(value: number[]) { this._offset = value; } public get focus(): number { return this._focus; } public set focus(value: number) { this._focus = value; } public get enlarge(): number { return this._enlarge; } public destroy() { Laya.timer.clear(this, this.update); this._texture_depth = null; if (this._texture_host_depth) { this._texture_host_depth.disposeBitmap(); } this._texture_host_depth = null; } }
/* texture和fillrect使用的。 */ attribute vec4 posuv; attribute vec4 attribColor; attribute vec4 attribFlags; uniform vec4 clipMatDir; uniform vec2 clipMatPos; varying vec2 cliped; uniform vec2 size; uniform vec2 clipOff; varying vec4 v_texcoordAlpha; varying vec4 v_color; varying float v_useTex; void main() { vec4 pos = vec4(posuv.xy,0.,1.); vec4 pos1 =vec4((pos.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-pos.y/size.y)*2.0,0.,1.0); gl_Position=pos1; v_texcoordAlpha.xy = posuv.zw; v_color = attribColor/255.0; v_color.xyz*=v_color.w; v_useTex = attribFlags.r/255.0; float clipw = length(clipMatDir.xy); float cliph = length(clipMatDir.zw); vec2 clpos = clipMatPos.xy; vec2 clippos = pos.xy - clpos; if(clipw>20000. && cliph>20000.) cliped = vec2(0.5,0.5); else { cliped=vec2( dot(clippos,clipMatDir.xy)/clipw/clipw, dot(clippos,clipMatDir.zw)/cliph/cliph); } }
/* texture和fillrect使用的。 */ #if defined(GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH) precision highp float; #else precision mediump float; #endif vec3 linearToGamma(in vec3 value) { return vec3(mix(pow(value.rgb, vec3(0.41666)) * 1.055 - vec3(0.055), value.rgb * 12.92, vec3(lessThanEqual(value.rgb, vec3(0.0031308))))); } vec4 linearToGamma(in vec4 value) { return vec4(linearToGamma(value.rgb), value.a); } vec3 gammaToLinear(in vec3 value) { return pow(value, vec3(2.2)); } vec4 gammaToLinear(in vec4 value) { return vec4(gammaToLinear(value.rgb), value.a); } varying vec4 v_texcoordAlpha; varying vec4 v_color; varying float v_useTex; uniform sampler2D texture; uniform sampler2D texture_depth; varying vec2 cliped; uniform vec4 dimensions; uniform vec2 mapDimensions; uniform float scale; uniform vec3 offset; uniform float focus; uniform float enlarge; float aspect = dimensions.x / dimensions.y; vec4 sampleTexture(sampler2D texture, vec2 uv) { vec4 color = texture2D(texture, uv); return color; } // mono version of perspective shader vec3 perspective( sampler2D texture, sampler2D texture_depth, vec2 uv, float horizontal_parallax, // 0 - no parallax float vertical_parallax, // same float perspective_factor, // 0 - no perspective float h_convergence, // 0.0 - near, 0.5 - center, 1.0 - far float v_convergence // same ) { const float sensitivity = 15.0; // aligns animation with the previous version where it was multiplied by 15 horizontal_parallax *= sensitivity; vertical_parallax *= sensitivity; vec3 ray_origin = vec3(uv.x - 0.5, uv.y - 0.5, +1.0); vec3 ray_direction = vec3(uv.x - 0.5, uv.y - 0.5, -1.0); ray_direction.xy *= perspective_factor; ray_origin.xy /= 1.0 + perspective_factor; ray_direction.x += horizontal_parallax; ray_direction.y += vertical_parallax; ray_origin.x -= h_convergence * horizontal_parallax; ray_origin.y -= v_convergence * vertical_parallax; const int step_count = 45; // affects quality and processing time const float hit_threshold = 0.01; ray_direction /= float(step_count); for (int i = 0; i < step_count; i++) { ray_origin += ray_direction; vec2 vFlipUV = (ray_origin.xy + 0.5); float scene_z = texture2D(texture_depth, vFlipUV).x; if (ray_origin.z < scene_z) { if (scene_z - ray_origin.z < hit_threshold) { return texture2D(texture, ray_origin.xy + 0.5).rgb; } ray_origin -= ray_direction; // step back ray_direction /= 2.0; // decrease ray step to approach surface with greater precision } } return texture2D(texture, ray_origin.xy + 0.5).rgb; } vec3 displacement( sampler2D texture, sampler2D texture_depth, vec2 uv ) { vec2 scale2 = vec2(scale * min(1.0, 1.0 / aspect), scale * min(1.0, aspect)) * vec2(1, -1) * vec2(1); vec2 mapCords = uv; // mapCords.y *= -1.0; // mapCords.y += 1.0; float map = 1.0 - texture2D(texture_depth, mapCords).r; map = map * -1.0 + focus; vec2 disCords = uv; disCords += offset.xy * map * scale2; return texture2D(texture, disCords).rgb; } void main() { if (cliped.x < 0.) discard; if (cliped.x > 1.) discard; if (cliped.y < 0.) discard; if (cliped.y > 1.) discard; // vec4 color = sampleTexture(texture, v_texcoordAlpha.xy); float gain = scale * 0.075; float persp_factor = scale * 3.0 * offset.z; vec4 color = vec4(perspective(texture, texture_depth, v_texcoordAlpha.xy, -gain * offset.x, gain * offset.y * aspect, persp_factor, 1.0 - focus, 1.0 - focus), 1.0); color.xyz = linearToGamma(color.xyz); // vec4 color = vec4(displacement(texture, texture_depth, v_texcoordAlpha.xy), 1.0); // if (v_useTex <= 0.) // color = vec4(1., 1., 1., 1.); // color.a *= v_color.w; // vec4 transColor = v_color; // transColor = gammaToLinear(v_color); // color.rgb *= transColor.rgb; gl_FragColor = color; }样例源代码:github.com/lear315/lay…
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