
Deveco Studio版本:




Deveco Studio版本:


Deveco Studio 构建日志:
/Applications/DevEco-Studio.app/Contents/tools/node/bin/node /Applications/DevEco-Studio.app/Contents/tools/hvigor/bin/hvigorw.js --mode module -p module=entry@default -p product=default -p requiredDeviceType=default assembleHap --analyze=normal --parallel --incremental --daemon
> hvigor UP-TO-DATE :entry:default@PreBuild...
> hvigor UP-TO-DATE :libSysCapabilities:default@PreBuild...
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@GenerateMetadata... after 3 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@PreCheckSyscap... after 1 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@GeneratePkgContextInfo... after 1 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@ProcessIntegratedHsp... after 1 ms
> hvigor Finished :libSysCapabilities:default@CreateHarBuildProfile... after 2 ms
> hvigor Finished :libSysCapabilities:default@ConfigureCmake... after 1 ms
> hvigor Finished :libSysCapabilities:default@MergeProfile... after 5 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@SyscapTransform... after 2 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@ProcessRouterMap... after 4 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@CreateBuildProfile... after 4 ms
> hvigor Finished :libSysCapabilities:default@BuildNativeWithCmake... after 1 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@MergeProfile... after 3 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@GenerateLoaderJson... after 17 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@ConfigureCmake... after 28 ms
> hvigor Finished :libSysCapabilities:default@BuildNativeWithNinja... after 2 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@MakePackInfo... after 4 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@ProcessProfile... after 121 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@BuildNativeWithCmake... after 7 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@ProcessResource... after 3 ms
> hvigor Finished :libSysCapabilities:default@ProcessLibs... after 10 ms
> hvigor Finished :libSysCapabilities:default@DoNativeStrip... after 14 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@BuildNativeWithNinja... after 311 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@ProcessLibs... after 80 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@DoNativeStrip... after 109 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@CompileResource... after 857 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@BuildJS... after 3 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@CacheNativeLibs... after 20 ms
> hvigor WARN: ArkTS:WARN File: /Users/HonestQiao/Documents/Laya/LayaProject1/release/harmony/LayaProject1/entry/src/main/ets/MainAbility/MainAbility.ts:4:18
Currently module for 'liblaya.so' is not verified. If you're importing napi, its verification will be enabled in later SDK version. Please make sure the corresponding .d.ts file is provided and the napis are correctly declared.

WARN: ArkTS:WARN File: /Users/HonestQiao/Documents/Laya/LayaProject1/release/harmony/LayaProject1/libSysCapabilities/src/main/ets/system/sound/SoundUtils.ts:3:18
Currently module for 'liblaya.so' is not verified. If you're importing napi, its verification will be enabled in later SDK version. Please make sure the corresponding .d.ts file is provided and the napis are correctly declared.

WARN: ArkTS:WARN File: /Users/HonestQiao/Documents/Laya/LayaProject1/release/harmony/LayaProject1/libSysCapabilities/src/main/ets/event/HandleMessageUtils.ts:2:18
Currently module for 'liblaya.so' is not verified. If you're importing napi, its verification will be enabled in later SDK version. Please make sure the corresponding .d.ts file is provided and the napis are correctly declared.

WARN: ArkTS:WARN File: /Users/HonestQiao/Documents/Laya/LayaProject1/release/harmony/LayaProject1/libSysCapabilities/src/main/ets/system/network/LayaHttpClient.ets:4:18
Currently module for 'liblaya.so' is not verified. If you're importing napi, its verification will be enabled in later SDK version. Please make sure the corresponding .d.ts file is provided and the napis are correctly declared.

WARN: ArkTS:WARN File: /Users/HonestQiao/Documents/Laya/LayaProject1/release/harmony/LayaProject1/libSysCapabilities/src/main/ets/napi/NapiHelper.ets:9:18
Currently module for 'liblaya.so' is not verified. If you're importing napi, its verification will be enabled in later SDK version. Please make sure the corresponding .d.ts file is provided and the napis are correctly declared.

> hvigor Finished :entry:default@CompileArkTS... after 7 s 741 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@GeneratePkgModuleJson... after 3 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@PackageHap... after 896 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:default@SignHap... after 5 s 615 ms
> hvigor Finished :entry:assembleHap... after 1 ms
> hvigor BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 17 s 169 ms

Process finished with exit code 0

Build Analyzer results available

以上构建过程成功。出现的提示信息,与Cocos Creator构建的项目在Deveco Studio上面构建类似。
Deveco Studio 运行日志:
17:14:31.721: build task in 17 s 619 ms
17:14:31.724: Launching com.layabox.game
17:14:31.729: $ hdc shell aa force-stop com.layabox.game
17:14:32.091: $ hdc shell mkdir data/local/tmp/a8cdde5615e44ded8e1065458d8e3917
17:14:34.282: $ hdc file send /Users/HonestQiao/Documents/Laya/LayaProject1/release/harmony/LayaProject1/entry/build/default/outputs/default/entry-default-signed.hap "data/local/tmp/a8cdde5615e44ded8e1065458d8e3917" in 2 s 190 ms
17:14:36.353: $ hdc shell bm install -p data/local/tmp/a8cdde5615e44ded8e1065458d8e3917 in 2 s 70 ms
17:14:36.422: $ hdc shell rm -rf data/local/tmp/a8cdde5615e44ded8e1065458d8e3917
17:14:36.744: $ hdc shell aa start -a EntryAbility -b com.layabox.game in 172 ms
17:14:36.745: Launch com.layabox.game success in 5 s 21 ms

Deveco Studio 运行错误提示:



Device info:开发者手机
Build info:OHarm OS 2.0
Module name:com.layabox.game
Error name:TypeError
Error message:Cannot read property getContext of undefined
Cannot get SourceMap info, dump raw stack:
at func_main_0 (entry|entry|1.0.0|src/main/ets/MainAbility/MainAbility.ts:9:47)

hdc hilog记录的日志信息:
01-06 17:34:41.491   797  1382 I C01300/Ability: [ability_manager_service.cpp(StartAbility:546)]Start ability come, ability is EntryAbility, userId is -1
01-06 17:34:41.493 1574 1574 I C0391e/AceGesture: [long_press_recognizer.cpp(HandleTouchUpEvent)-(100000:100000:scope)] Long press recognizer receives touch up event
01-06 17:34:41.493 1574 1574 I C0391e/AceGesture: [pan_recognizer.cpp(HandleTouchUpEvent)-(100000:100000:scope)] Pan recognizer receives 0 touch up event
01-06 17:34:41.493 1574 1574 I C03919/AceInputTracking: [ace_view_ohos.cpp(operator())-(100000:100000:scope)] touchEvent markProcessed in ace_view, eventInfo: id:282
01-06 17:34:41.494 405 1695 E C01700/RSS: resType:27 not hap app report
01-06 17:34:41.494 797 1382 W C01300/Ability: [mission_info_mgr.cpp(FindReusedMissionInfo:330)]can not find target singleton mission:#com.layabox.game:entry:EntryAbility
01-06 17:34:41.494 797 1382 I C01300/Ability: [mission_list_manager.cpp(CreateOrReusedMissionInfo:560)]result:0
01-06 17:34:41.494 405 1695 I C01700/RSS: ResSchedService::ReportData from ipc receive data resType = 27, value = 1.
01-06 17:34:41.495 405 626 I C01703/socperf: [HandleAppAbilityStart]: SocPerfPlugin: socperf->APP_COLD_START
01-06 17:34:41.495 797 1382 W C01630/DistributedDB: KvDB communicator not ready!
01-06 17:34:41.496 338 942 I C02d10/HiView-SysEventSource: CheckValidSysEvent: event[AAFWK|START_ABILITY|58972] is valid.
01-06 17:34:41.496 338 942 I C02d10/HiView-SysEventSource: CheckValidSysEvent: event[LAUNCHER_APP|START_ABILITY|58973] is valid.
01-06 17:34:41.498 797 1382 W C01630/DistributedDB: KvDB start syncer failed, err:'-1101'.
01-06 17:34:41.499 797 1382 I C01300/Ability: [app_exit_reason_data_manager.cpp(ConvertAppExitReasonInfoToValue:238)]value: {"ability_list":,"reason":3,"time_stamp":1736156081499}
01-06 17:34:41.499 797 1382 W C01630/DistributedDB: KvDB communicator not ready!
01-06 17:34:41.500 797 1382 W C01630/DistributedDB: KvDB start syncer failed, err:'-1101'.
01-06 17:34:41.500 797 1382 I C01300/Ability: [app_exit_reason_data_manager.cpp(GetAppExitReason:187)]current bundle name: com.layabox.game reason: 3 abilityName:EntryAbility isSetReason:1
01-06 17:34:41.500 797 1382 W C01630/DistributedDB: KvDB communicator not ready!
01-06 17:34:41.501 797 1382 W C01630/DistributedDB: KvDB start syncer failed, err:'-1101'.
01-06 17:34:41.506 797 1382 I C02b05/ImageSource: CreatePixelMapExtended success, imageId:1736156081504401, desiredSize: (0, 0),imageSize: (192, 192), cost 1489 us
01-06 17:34:41.506 797 1382 I C01719/ffrt: 31958:PushTask:51 push task gid=1535 to qid=13 [AbilityManagerService]
01-06 17:34:41.510 338 942 I C02d10/HiView-SysEventSource: CheckValidSysEvent: event[IMAGE_FWK_UE|DECODED_IMAGE_TYPE_STATISTICS|58974] is valid.
01-06 17:34:41.524 797 1382 I C04200/WMS: <738>NotifyWindowTransition asynchronously.
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 1382 I C01719/ffrt: 32003:PushTask:51 push task gid=1538 to qid=13 [AbilityManagerService]
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 1382 I C01719/ffrt: 32011:PushTask:51 push task gid=1539 to qid=13 [AbilityManagerService]
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 1382 I C01300/Ability: [ability_record.cpp(LoadAbility:335)]LoadLifecycle: abilityName:EntryAbility.
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 1382 I C01719/ffrt: 32022:PushTask:51 push task gid=1540 to qid=13 [AbilityManagerService]
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 1382 I C01303/AppMgrService: [ams_mgr_scheduler.cpp(LoadAbility:76)]SubmitLoadTask: com.layabox.game-EntryAbility
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 1382 I C01719/ffrt: 32025:PushTask:51 push task gid=1541 to qid=15 [app_mgr_task_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 1382 W C01300/Ability: [mission_list_manager.cpp(ReportAbilitAssociatedStartInfoToRSS:4054)]associated start caller record is nullptr
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32050:Run:87 pick task gid=1541, qid=15 [app_mgr_task_queue] remains [0]
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 23045 I C01303/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(LoadAbility:292)]name:EntryAbility.
01-06 17:34:41.525 797 23045 I C057d4/DBinderBaseInvoker: DBinderDatabusInvoker 36: create
01-06 17:34:41.530 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.530 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:227] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=227, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.530 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.530 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:260] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=260, stdlib_malloc ptr=0x7b4a4b40, size=72, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.530 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.530 797 23045 I C01303/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(StartProcess:2157)]apl is normal, bundleName is com.layabox.game, startFlags is 8.
01-06 17:34:41.531 797 23045 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [client_socket.cpp:74]Client: Connected on socket fd 24 value 2
01-06 17:34:41.531 714 1765 I C01406/WRAP: [InitBufferhandle@sprd_allocator.cpp:148] buffer handle size 10479616, width 1080, height 2408, stride 4352, fd 8, format: <private>, phy 0x0, usage 0xb, viraddr 0x0000000000000000
01-06 17:34:41.531 902 1210 I C01401/Bufferqueue: <163>Alloc: buffer handle size 10479616, width 1080, height 2408, stride 4352, fd 106, transform 0
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:660]OnConnection client fd 23 Id 19
01-06 17:34:41.531 902 1210 I C01401/Bufferqueue: <189>Map: buffer handle size 10479616, width 1080, height 2408, stride 4352, fd 106
01-06 17:34:41.531 902 1210 I C01400/DISP: [Mmap@allocator.cpp:273] buffer handle size 10479616, width 1080, height 2408, stride 4352, fd 106, format: <private>, phy 0x0, usage 0xb, viraddr 0x0000000000000000
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:569]Info Receive client message id 19 code 0
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:569]processname com.layabox.game flags 0x8
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:569]flags 0x0 cloneFlags 0x0 hapFlags 0x0
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:569]bundleName com.layabox.game soPath
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:569]Access token apl normal renderCmd invalidparam ownerId 6918687785288995859
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:569]uid 20010080 20010080 gid count 1
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:569]setAllowInternet 0 allowInternet 1
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:226]this is unlock status
01-06 17:34:41.531 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_server.c:218]AppSpawnProcessMsg id 19 0x0
01-06 17:34:41.545 902 902 E C02515/DISP: [SetMetadata:85] <private> is not supported
01-06 17:34:41.545 902 902 E C02515/METADATA_SRV: [SetMetadata:125] fail
01-06 17:34:41.545 902 902 E C01400/Composer: SetBufferColorSpace: HdiOutput::SetBufferColorSpace set metadata to buffer failed
01-06 17:34:41.545 717 1169 E C02515/DISP_CMD: OnSetDisplayClientDamage, SetDisplayClientDamage error
01-06 17:34:41.546 23051 23051 E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:1210]Not device type default
01-06 17:34:41.547 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /system/data to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/system/data
01-06 17:34:41.548 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /system/resources to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/system/resources
01-06 17:34:41.548 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /vendor/lib to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/vendor/lib
01-06 17:34:41.548 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /vendor/etc/hiai to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/vendor/etc/hiai
01-06 17:34:41.548 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /vendor/etc/vulkan to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/vendor/etc/vulkan
01-06 17:34:41.549 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /mnt/hmdfs/100/account/merge_view/data/com.layabox.game to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/data/storage/el2/distributedfiles
01-06 17:34:41.549 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /mnt/hmdfs/100/non_account/merge_view/data/ to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/data/storage/el2/auth_groups
01-06 17:34:41.549 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /data/local/ark-cache/com.layabox.game to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/data/storage/ark-cache
01-06 17:34:41.549 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /data/service/el1/public/themes/100/a/app to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/data/themes/a/app
01-06 17:34:41.549 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /data/service/el1/public/themes/100/b/app to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/data/themes/b/app
01-06 17:34:41.550 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /system/asan/lib64 to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/system/asan/lib64
01-06 17:34:41.550 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /vendor/asan/lib64 to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/vendor/asan/lib64
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:227] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=227, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:231] sprddebug gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx entry line=231, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx@mali_gles_fb_object_nx.cpp:1284] sprddebug gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx free ptr=0x0x7f786765f0
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx@mali_gles_fb_object_nx.cpp:1284] sprddebug gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx free ptr=0x0x7f78676640
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:260] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=260, stdlib_malloc ptr=0x7867f570, size=72, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.550 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.551 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /system/app/SystemResources to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/data/storage/el1/bundle/systemResources
01-06 17:34:41.551 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:163]errno is: 2, bind mount /data/app/el1/bundle/public/ohos.global.systemres.overlay to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.layabox.game/data/storage/el1/bundle/ohos.global.systemres.overlay
01-06 17:34:41.551 899 899 I C01610/ZDDS: KVDBServiceStub::OnRemoteRequest: code:4 callingPid:797
01-06 17:34:41.552 899 899 I C04110/DHDM: [devicemanagerkit][GetTrustedDeviceList]:GetTrustedDeviceList start, pkgName: ohos.distributeddata.service, extra:
01-06 17:34:41.552 899 899 I C04110/DHDM: [devicemanagerkit][SendRequest]:IpcClientManager::SendRequest in
01-06 17:34:41.552 899 899 I C04110/DHDM: [devicemanagerkit][SendRequest]:IpcClientManager::SendRequest cmdCode: 2
01-06 17:34:41.552 333 333 I C04110/DHDM: [devicemanagerservice][ShiftLNNGear]:DeviceManagerService::ShiftLNNGear begin for pkgName = ohos.distributeddata.service, callerId = ohos.distributeddata.service, isRefresh = 0
01-06 17:34:41.555 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_mount_permission.cpp:38]LoadPermissionNames ohos.permission.READ_IMAGEVIDEO
01-06 17:34:41.555 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_mount_permission.cpp:73]LoadPermissionNames size: 6
01-06 17:34:41.555 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_mount_permission.cpp:81]GetMountPermissionList LoadPermissionNames
01-06 17:34:41.557 23051 23051 E C03f00/MUSL-LDSO: dlopen_impl load library header failed for /system/lib64/libsec_comp_client_enhance.z.so
01-06 17:34:41.557 23051 23051 E C05a05/SecCompEnhanceAdapter: [InitEnhanceHandler]:init enhance lib /system/lib64/libsec_comp_client_enhance.z.so failed, error Error loading shared library /system/lib64/libsec_comp_client_enhance.z.so: No such file or directory
01-06 17:34:41.557 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:676]NotifyResToParent com.layabox.game fd 25 result 0
01-06 17:34:41.557 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:581]child process com.layabox.game success pid 23051
01-06 17:34:41.557 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:102]Add com.layabox.game, pid=23051 success
01-06 17:34:41.557 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:154]SendMessageComplete client.id 19 result 0 pid 23051
01-06 17:34:41.557 797 23043 E C01610/ZDDS: KVDBServiceClient::Sync: status:0x1a30000, appId:app_exit_reason_storage, storeId:app***fos, sequenceId:18446744073709551615
01-06 17:34:41.558 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:140]OnClose 19 processName = com.layabox.game
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32056:PushTask:51 push task gid=1542 to qid=19 [app_state_task_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32064:PushTask:51 push task gid=1543 to qid=19 [app_state_task_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32067:PushTask:51 push task gid=1544 to qid=19 [app_state_task_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01120/BundleMgrService: [perf_profile.cpp(Dump):276] start
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01120/BundleMgrService: [perf_profile.cpp(Dump):278] *************************
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01120/BundleMgrService: [perf_profile.cpp(Dump):300] AppForkTime: 27(ms)
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01120/BundleMgrService: [perf_profile.cpp(Dump):303] *************************
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01120/BundleMgrService: [perf_profile.cpp(Dump):305] end
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32070:PushTask:51 push task gid=1545 to qid=19 [app_state_task_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.558 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32080:Run:87 pick task gid=1542, qid=19 [app_state_task_queue] remains [3]
01-06 17:34:41.558 23051 23051 I C02d0b/HICHECKER: hichecker processName is com.layabox.game
01-06 17:34:41.558 23051 23051 I C02d0b/HICHECKER: hichecker param is empty.
01-06 17:34:41.559 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_ace.cpp:175]LoadExtendLib: RunChildProcessor
01-06 17:34:41.559 23051 23051 E C02d33/HitraceMeter: pid[23051] first get g_tagsProperty: 0
01-06 17:34:41.560 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32083:Run:87 pick task gid=1543, qid=19 [app_state_task_queue] remains [2]
01-06 17:34:41.560 797 23045 I C01303/AppMgrService: [app_state_observer_manager.cpp(HandleOnAppProcessCreated:529)]Process Create, bundle:com.layabox.game, pid:23051, uid:20010080, processType:0, extensionType:255, processName:com.layabox.game, renderUid:-1
01-06 17:34:41.560 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32086:Run:87 pick task gid=1544, qid=19 [app_state_task_queue] remains [1]
01-06 17:34:41.561 23051 23051 I C02d06/XCollie: Add periodical task AppkitWatchdog to watchdog.
01-06 17:34:41.561 338 942 I C02d10/HiView-SysEventSource: CheckValidSysEvent: event[AAFWK|PROCESS_START|58976] is valid.
01-06 17:34:41.561 23051 23051 I C02d06/XCollie: Watchdog is running!
01-06 17:34:41.562 405 632 I C01702/CgroupAdjuster: ApplyProcessGroup Set 23051's cgroup from 255 to 0.
01-06 17:34:41.564 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.564 902 902 E C02515/DISP: [SetMetadata:85] <private> is not supported
01-06 17:34:41.564 902 902 E C02515/METADATA_SRV: [SetMetadata:125] fail
01-06 17:34:41.564 902 902 E C01400/Composer: SetBufferColorSpace: HdiOutput::SetBufferColorSpace set metadata to buffer failed
01-06 17:34:41.564 717 1169 E C02515/DISP_CMD: OnSetDisplayClientDamage, SetDisplayClientDamage error
01-06 17:34:41.564 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: BundlePriorityInfo::UpdatePriority bundleName=com.layabox.game, priority=400
01-06 17:34:41.565 403 528 E C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimStrategyManager::NotifyAppStateChanged has not been initialized_, skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.565 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: KernelInterface::EchoToPath echo 400 > /proc/23051/oom_score_adj
01-06 17:34:41.565 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimPriorityManager::HandleCreateProcess create: bundleName=com.layabox.game, prio=400
01-06 17:34:41.566 23051 23051 I C057c2/IPCObjectProxy: AddDeathRecipient 393: success, handle:1 desc:ohos.appexecfwk.AppMgr
01-06 17:34:41.571 403 493 I C01799/MemMgr: AppStateObserver::OnAbilityStateChanged called, uid=20010080, pid=23051, bundleName=com.layabox.game Skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.571 403 1784 I C01799/MemMgr: AppStateObserver::OnAbilityStateChanged called, uid=20010080, pid=23051, bundleName=com.layabox.game Skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.572 403 3933 I C01799/MemMgr: AppStateObserver::OnAbilityStateChanged called, uid=20010080, pid=23051, bundleName=com.layabox.game Skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.575 405 626 E C01719/ffrt: 3134:TrivalOpenQosCtrlNode:62 task 405 belong to user 0 open qos node failed
01-06 17:34:41.575 797 1155 I C04200/Controller: <109>StartingWindow: Show success, id:20!
01-06 17:34:41.576 797 1155 I C04200/Controller: <137>NotifyWindowTransition begin!
01-06 17:34:41.576 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: BundlePriorityInfo::UpdatePriority bundleName=com.layabox.game, priority=400
01-06 17:34:41.576 403 528 E C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimStrategyManager::NotifyAppStateChanged has not been initialized_, skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.576 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: KernelInterface::EchoToPath echo 400 > /proc/23051/oom_score_adj
01-06 17:34:41.576 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimPriorityManager::HandleCreateProcess create: bundleName=com.layabox.game, prio=400
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 626 E C01719/ffrt: 3148:TrivalOpenQosCtrlNode:62 task 405 belong to user 0 open qos node failed
01-06 17:34:41.576 410 698 I C02800/InputWindowsManager: in PrintWindowInfo, windowId:[8,5,20,1,]
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 626 W C01700/RSS: DeliverResourceToPlugin, WARNING :libframe_aware_plugin.z.so plugin cost time(13ms) over 10 ms!
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 23057 I C01719/ffrt: 3155:Run:87 pick task gid=180, qid=1 [frame_aware_sched_msg_queue] remains [0]
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 626 I C01706/ueaServer-FrameAwarePlugin: FrameAwarePlugin:DispatchResource type:8, value:0
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 626 I C01706/ueaServer-FrameMsgIntf: CgroupChanged pid is 23051, uid is 20010080, oldGroup is 255, newGroup is 0
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 23057 I C01706/ueaServer-IntelliSenseServer: auth_enable 23051 success
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 626 I C01719/ffrt: 3158:PushTask:51 push task gid=181 to qid=1 [frame_aware_sched_msg_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 23057 I C01706/ueaServer-IntelliSenseServer: Get app info:23051 20010080 com.layabox.game 0
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 626 I C01706/ueaServer-FrameAwarePlugin: FrameAwarePlugin:DispatchResource type:4, value:0
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 23057 I C01719/ffrt: 3161:Run:87 pick task gid=181, qid=1 [frame_aware_sched_msg_queue] remains [0]
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 626 I C01719/ffrt: 3167:PushTask:51 push task gid=182 to qid=1 [frame_aware_sched_msg_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 23056 I C01719/ffrt: 3182:Run:87 pick task gid=182, qid=1 [frame_aware_sched_msg_queue] remains [0]
01-06 17:34:41.576 405 23056 I C01706/ueaServer-IntelliSenseServer: ProcessInfo NewAppRecord
01-06 17:34:41.577 797 23046 I C01719/ffrt: 32110:Run:87 pick task gid=1546, qid=15 [app_mgr_task_queue] remains [0]
01-06 17:34:41.577 797 23046 I C01303/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(AttachApplication:582)]attach, pid:23051.
01-06 17:34:41.577 797 23046 I C057c2/IPCObjectProxy: AddDeathRecipient 393: success, handle:209 desc:ohos.appexecfwk.AppScheduler
01-06 17:34:41.578 717 1169 I C02515/DISP_CACHE_MGR: SetCacheMaxCount: set cache max count from 0 to 10
01-06 17:34:41.578 717 1169 E C02515/DISP_CMD: OnSetLayerVisibleRegion, SetLayerDirtyRegion error
01-06 17:34:41.578 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: BundlePriorityInfo::UpdatePriority bundleName=com.layabox.game, priority=400
01-06 17:34:41.578 403 528 E C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimStrategyManager::NotifyAppStateChanged has not been initialized_, skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.578 717 1169 E C02515/DISP_CMD: 924@OnSetLayerColor: check failed
01-06 17:34:41.579 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: KernelInterface::EchoToPath echo 400 > /proc/23051/oom_score_adj
01-06 17:34:41.579 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimPriorityManager::HandleCreateProcess create: bundleName=com.layabox.game, prio=400
01-06 17:34:41.579 902 902 E C02515/DISP: [SetMetadata:85] <private> is not supported
01-06 17:34:41.579 902 902 E C02515/METADATA_SRV: [SetMetadata:125] fail
01-06 17:34:41.579 902 902 E C01400/Composer: SetBufferColorSpace: HdiOutput::SetBufferColorSpace set metadata to buffer failed
01-06 17:34:41.579 717 1169 E C02515/DISP_CMD: OnSetDisplayClientDamage, SetDisplayClientDamage error
01-06 17:34:41.580 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:227] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=227, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.586 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.586 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:227] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=227, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.586 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.586 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:260] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=260, stdlib_malloc ptr=0x7b4a3c50, size=72, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.586 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.591 23051 23051 I C03900/ACE_COMPATIBLITY: [61]AceForwardCompatibility [com.layabox.game] force:1 newpipe:1
01-06 17:34:41.592 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:227] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=227, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.592 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.592 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:231] sprddebug gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx entry line=231, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.592 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.592 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx@mali_gles_fb_object_nx.cpp:1284] sprddebug gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx free ptr=0x0x7f7b4a3a20
01-06 17:34:41.596 902 902 E C02515/DISP: [SetMetadata:85] <private> is not supported
01-06 17:34:41.596 902 902 E C02515/METADATA_SRV: [SetMetadata:125] fail
01-06 17:34:41.596 902 902 E C01400/Composer: SetBufferColorSpace: HdiOutput::SetBufferColorSpace set metadata to buffer failed
01-06 17:34:41.596 23051 23051 E C02c02/PARAM: [param_manager.c:736]SystemReadParam failed! name is:ark.profile, errNum is:106!
01-06 17:34:41.596 717 1169 E C02515/DISP_CMD: OnSetDisplayClientDamage, SetDisplayClientDamage error
01-06 17:34:41.596 23051 23051 I C03f00/ArkCompiler: [ecmascript] asmint: 1, aot: 1, bundle name: com.layabox.game
01-06 17:34:41.597 23051 23051 I C03f00/ArkCompiler: [gc] SmartGC: enter app cold start
01-06 17:34:41.603 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:227] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=227, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.603 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.603 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:231] sprddebug gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx entry line=231, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.603 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.603 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.603 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx@mali_gles_fb_object_nx.cpp:1284] sprddebug gles_fbp_render_target_term_nx free ptr=0x0x7f7bcffb80
01-06 17:34:41.603 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.603 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP: [gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx@mali_gles_fb_module_api_nx.cpp:260] sprddebug gles_fb_surfaces_changed_nx line=260, stdlib_malloc ptr=0x7a4b2d10, size=72, ctx=0x0x5effcfc260
01-06 17:34:41.603 1574 1809 E C01406/WRAP:
01-06 17:34:41.606 23051 23063 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: ConnectJpid send pid:23051, pp:com.layabox.game, isDebug:1, msglen:28
01-06 17:34:41.606 23051 23051 I C03f00/ArkCompiler: StartServer, componentName = <private>
01-06 17:34:41.606 981 981 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: [jdwp.cpp:155] JDWP accept pid:23051-pkg:com.layabox.game isDebug:1
01-06 17:34:41.606 23051 23051 W C01309/Runtime: [connect_server_manager.cpp(StoreDebuggerInfo:158)]ConnectServerManager::StoreDebuggerInfo not Connected
01-06 17:34:41.607 23051 23051 I C03f00/ArkCompiler: [ecmascript] JSNApi::NotifyDebugMode, tid = 23051, debugApp = 1, isDebugMode = 0, instanceId = 0
01-06 17:34:41.607 717 1169 E C01400/DISP: [~DrmGemBuffer@hdi_drm_layer.cpp:130] can not free gem handle 2 errno : 22
01-06 17:34:41.607 981 981 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: [jdwp.cpp:532] SendProcessList channelId:3496320662 data:0017
01-06 17:34:41.607 981 981 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: 23051 com.layabox.game
01-06 17:34:41.608 23051 23051 I C03f00/ArkCompiler: [ecmascript] JSNApi::StartDebuggerForOldProcess, isDebugMode = 0, instanceId = 0
01-06 17:34:41.608 23051 23051 I C03f00/ArkCompiler: StartDebug, componentName = <private>, isDebugMode = <private>, instanceId = <private>
01-06 17:34:41.611 23051 23066 I C03f00/ArkCompiler: HandleClient
01-06 17:34:41.611 23051 23066 I C03f00/ArkCompiler: WsServer RunServer fport localabstract: 23051PandaDebugger
01-06 17:34:41.611 717 1169 E C02515/DISP_CMD: OnSetLayerVisibleRegion, SetLayerDirtyRegion error
01-06 17:34:41.700 23051 23051 E C03f00/MUSL-LDSO: do_dlsym failed: symbol not found. so=/system/lib64/module/security/libcert.z.so s=NAPI_security_cert_GetABCCode v=
01-06 17:34:41.700 23051 23051 I C02f17/CertFramework: CertModuleExport[149]: module init start.
01-06 17:34:41.705 23051 23051 I C02f17/CertFramework: CertModuleExport[167]: module init end.
01-06 17:34:41.705 717 1169 E C01400/DISP: [~DrmGemBuffer@hdi_drm_layer.cpp:130] can not free gem handle 2 errno : 22
01-06 17:34:41.709 981 1043 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: [daemon.cpp:397] FetchCommand channelId:1327629870 command:2
01-06 17:34:41.710 23051 23051 I C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:537)(LoadNativeModule)] key is default/laya
01-06 17:34:41.710 23051 23051 I C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:746)(LoadModuleLibrary)] path: liblaya.so, pathKey: default, isAppModule: 1
01-06 17:34:41.711 717 1169 E C02515/DISP_CMD: OnSetLayerVisibleRegion, SetLayerDirtyRegion error
01-06 17:34:41.712 902 902 E C02515/DISP: [SetMetadata:85] <private> is not supported
01-06 17:34:41.712 902 902 E C02515/METADATA_SRV: [SetMetadata:125] fail
01-06 17:34:41.712 902 902 E C01400/Composer: SetBufferColorSpace: HdiOutput::SetBufferColorSpace set metadata to buffer failed
01-06 17:34:41.712 717 1169 E C02515/DISP_CMD: OnSetDisplayClientDamage, SetDisplayClientDamage error
01-06 17:34:41.714 23051 23051 E C03f00/MUSL-LDSO: Error loading shared library libjsvm.so: (needed by /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libconch.so)
01-06 17:34:41.714 23051 23051 W C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:771)(LoadModuleLibrary)] dlopen failed: Error loading shared library libjsvm.so: No such file or directory (needed by /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libconch.so)
01-06 17:34:41.714 23051 23051 E C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:735)(LoadModuleLibrary)] primary module path is empty
01-06 17:34:41.714 23051 23051 E C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:788)(GetFileBuffer)] is not existed.
01-06 17:34:41.714 23051 23051 E C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:864)(FindNativeModuleByDisk)] all path load module 'laya' failed
01-06 17:34:41.715 23051 23051 I C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:746)(LoadModuleLibrary)] path: /system/lib64/module/libdisplay.z.so, pathKey: default, isAppModule: 0
01-06 17:34:41.715 23051 23051 E C03f00/MUSL-LDSO: dlopen_impl load library header failed for /system/lib64/module/libdisplay.z.so
01-06 17:34:41.715 23051 23051 W C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:771)(LoadModuleLibrary)] dlopen failed: Error loading shared library /system/lib64/module/libdisplay.z.so: No such file or directory
01-06 17:34:41.715 23051 23051 I C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:746)(LoadModuleLibrary)] path: /system/lib64/module/libdisplay_napi.z.so, pathKey: default, isAppModule: 0
01-06 17:34:41.717 23051 23051 E C03f00/MUSL-LDSO: do_dlsym failed: symbol not found. so=/system/lib64/module/libdisplay_napi.z.so s=NAPI_display_GetABCCode v=
01-06 17:34:41.732 23051 23051 E C03f00/MUSL-LDSO: do_dlsym failed: symbol not found. so=/system/lib64/module/libwifimanager.z.so s=NAPI_wifiManager_GetABCCode v=
01-06 17:34:41.734 797 1155 I C04200/StartingWindow: <354>before setBounds windowRect: 0, 0, 1080, 2408
01-06 17:34:41.736 23051 23051 I C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:746)(LoadModuleLibrary)] path: /system/lib64/module/net/libconnection.z.so, pathKey: default, isAppModule: 0
01-06 17:34:41.738 23051 23051 E C03f00/MUSL-LDSO: do_dlsym failed: symbol not found. so=/system/lib64/module/net/libconnection.z.so s=NAPI_net_connection_GetABCCode v=
01-06 17:34:41.739 23051 23051 I C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:746)(LoadModuleLibrary)] path: /system/lib64/module/libbuffer.z.so, pathKey: default, isAppModule: 0
01-06 17:34:41.742 23051 23051 W C03f00/ArkCompiler: [default] GetNativeModuleValue:185 GetNativeModuleValueByIndex: currentModule /data/storage/el1/bundle/entry/ets/modules.abc, find requireModule @app:com.layabox.game/entry/laya failed
01-06 17:34:41.746 902 902 E C02515/DISP: [SetMetadata:85] <private> is not supported
01-06 17:34:41.746 902 902 E C02515/METADATA_SRV: [SetMetadata:125] fail
01-06 17:34:41.746 902 902 E C01400/Composer: SetBufferColorSpace: HdiOutput::SetBufferColorSpace set metadata to buffer failed
01-06 17:34:41.746 717 753 E C02515/DISP_CMD: OnSetDisplayClientDamage, SetDisplayClientDamage error
01-06 17:34:41.748 717 753 E C01400/DISP: [~DrmGemBuffer@hdi_drm_layer.cpp:130] can not free gem handle 3 errno : 22
01-06 17:34:41.771 797 1382 I C01719/ffrt: 32118:PushTask:51 push task gid=1547 to qid=15 [app_mgr_task_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.771 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32131:Run:87 pick task gid=1547, qid=15 [app_mgr_task_queue] remains [0]
01-06 17:34:41.771 23051 23051 E C01305/Appkit: [main_thread.cpp(operator():1391)]
01-06 17:34:41.771 23051 23051 E C01305/Appkit: com.layabox.game is about to exit due to RuntimeError
01-06 17:34:41.771 23051 23051 E C01305/Appkit: Error type:TypeError
01-06 17:34:41.771 23051 23051 E C01305/Appkit: Error name:TypeError
01-06 17:34:41.771 23051 23051 E C01305/Appkit: Error message:Cannot read property getContext of undefined
01-06 17:34:41.771 23051 23051 E C01305/Appkit: Stacktrace:
01-06 17:34:41.771 23051 23051 E C01305/Appkit: Cannot get SourceMap info, dump raw stack:
01-06 17:34:41.771 23051 23051 E C01305/Appkit: at func_main_0 (entry|entry|1.0.0|src/main/ets/MainAbility/MainAbility.ts:9:47)
01-06 17:34:41.771 797 23045 W C01303/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(operator():4407)]FaultData is: name: TypeError, faultType: 1, uid: 20010080, pid: 23051,bundleName: com.layabox.game, faultData.forceExit==0, faultData.waitSaveState==0
01-06 17:34:41.772 23051 23051 I C057c2/IPCObjectProxy: AddDeathRecipient 393: success, handle:10 desc:ohos.aafwk.AbilityManager
01-06 17:34:41.772 23051 23051 E C01309/Runtime: [js_runtime.cpp(LoadJsModule:870)]Failed to run script: <private>
01-06 17:34:41.772 23051 23051 E C01304/AbilityManagerService: [js_ui_ability.cpp(SetAbilityContext:196)]jsAbilityObj_ or abilityContext_ or want is nullptr.
01-06 17:34:41.772 23051 23051 I C01304/AbilityManagerService: [ui_ability_thread.cpp(AttachInner:170)]LoadLifecycle: Attach uiability.
01-06 17:34:41.772 797 1215 I C01719/ffrt: 32137:RemoveTask:65 cancel task gid=1540 of qid=13 [AbilityManagerService]
01-06 17:34:41.773 23051 23051 E C01200/EventRunner: Stop: Do not call, if event runner is deposited
01-06 17:34:41.773 797 1382 I C01300/Ability: [app_exit_reason_data_manager.cpp(ConvertAppExitReasonInfoToValue:238)]value: {"ability_list":["EntryAbility"],"reason":3,"time_stamp":1736156081773}
01-06 17:34:41.773 797 1382 W C01630/DistributedDB: KvDB communicator not ready!
01-06 17:34:41.773 23051 23051 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_server.c:56]App exit code: 0
01-06 17:34:41.774 338 942 I C02d10/HiView-SysEventSource: CheckValidSysEvent: event[AAFWK|JS_ERROR|58979] is valid.
01-06 17:34:41.774 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: OnEvent: Receive JS_ERROR Event:{"domain_":"AAFWK","name_":"JS_ERROR","type_":1,"time_":1736156081770,"tz_":"+0800","pid_":23051,"tid_":23051,"uid_":20010080,"id_":"10629714612839745172","PACKAGE_NAME":"com.layabox.game","VERSION":"1","TYPE":3,"HAPPEN_TIME":1736156081,"REASON":"TypeError","JSVM":"ARK","SUMMARY":"Error name:TypeError\nError message:Cannot read property getContext of undefined\nStacktrace:\nCannot get SourceMap info, dump raw stack:\n at func_main_0 (entry|entry|1.0.0|src/main/ets/MainAbility/MainAbility.ts:9:47)\n\n","info_":"","tag_":"STABILITY","level_":"CRITICAL","seq_":58979}.
01-06 17:34:41.774 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: AddFaultLogIfNeed: Start saving Faultlog of Process:23051, Name:com.layabox.game, Reason:TypeError.
01-06 17:34:41.775 338 701 I C02d12/Sanitizer: [zip_helper.cpp:95] bundleName of uid:20010080 is com.layabox.game
01-06 17:34:41.777 797 1382 W C01630/DistributedDB: KvDB start syncer failed, err:'-1101'.
01-06 17:34:41.778 338 701 I C02d12/Sanitizer: [zip_helper.cpp:110] The version of com.layabox.game is 1.0
01-06 17:34:41.780 338 701 I C02d10/ExtractRule: IsMatchPath: sourceFile is /data/log/faultlog/JS_ERROR1736156081770, name is /data/log/faultlog/, pattern is JS_ERROR\d+.
01-06 17:34:41.780 338 701 E C02d10/ExtractRule: GetJsonArray: failed to get json array number startSeg.
01-06 17:34:41.780 338 701 E C02d10/ExtractRule: GetJsonArray: failed to get json array number segStack.
01-06 17:34:41.780 338 701 I C02d10/ExtractRule: ParseRule: ParseFile eventId JS_ERROR, FeatureId 07_JS_ERROR_00.
01-06 17:34:41.780 338 701 I C02d10/ExtractRule: IsMatchPath: sourceFile is /data/log/faultlog/JS_ERROR1736156081770, name is /data/log/faultlog/, pattern is JS_ERROR\d+.
01-06 17:34:41.788 981 981 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: [jdwp.cpp:126] HdcJdwp::ReadStream invalid package nread:-4095.
01-06 17:34:41.788 981 981 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: [jdwp.cpp:174] ReadStream proc:23051 err, free it.
01-06 17:34:41.788 981 981 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: [jdwp.cpp:81] FreeContext for targetPID :23051
01-06 17:34:41.788 981 981 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: [jdwp.cpp:104] RemoveFdFromPollList for pid:23051.
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/HiView-LogStoreEx: DoDeleteLogFiles: Remove <private> Files.
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/FaultLogManager: SaveFaultLogToFile: create log jscrash-com.layabox.game-20010080-20250106173441
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: AddFaultLogIfNeed:
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: Save Faultlog of Process:23051
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: ModuleName:com.layabox.game
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: Reason:TypeError
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: Summary:Error name:TypeError
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: Error message:Cannot read property getContext of undefined
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: Stacktrace:
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: Cannot get SourceMap info, dump raw stack:
01-06 17:34:41.788 338 701 I C02d10/Faultlogger: at func_main_0 (entry|entry|1.0.0|src/main/ets/MainAbility/MainAbility.ts:9:47)
01-06 17:34:41.789 335 335 I C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:367]SignalHandler signum 17
01-06 17:34:41.789 902 1220 W C057c2/IPCObjectProxy: SendObituary 442: handle:57 desc:ohos.rosen.VSyncIConnectionToken
01-06 17:34:41.789 335 335 E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:183]/dev/memcg/100/com.layabox.game/cgroup.procs not exists.
01-06 17:34:41.789 335 335 W C02c11/APPSPAWN: [appspawn_service.c:322]com.layabox.game with pid 23051 exit with code:0
01-06 17:34:41.789 981 981 I C02d13/HDC_LOG: [jdwp.cpp:532] SendProcessList channelId:3496320662 data:0000
01-06 17:34:41.790 902 1220 W C057c2/IPCObjectProxy: SendObituary 442: handle:56 desc:ohos.rosen.RSConnectionToken
01-06 17:34:41.790 797 1058 W C057c2/IPCObjectProxy: SendObituary 442: handle:210 desc:OHOS.IDisplayManagerAgent
01-06 17:34:41.790 797 1058 I C04200/ClientAgentContainer: <121>RemoveAgent: RemoveAgent
01-06 17:34:41.790 797 1058 W C057c2/IPCObjectProxy: SendObituary 442: handle:209 desc:ohos.appexecfwk.AppScheduler
01-06 17:34:41.790 902 1221 E C057c1/ProcessSkeleton: IsDeadObject 212: 2287298784 handle:-1 desc:IVSyncConnection is deaded at time:5514247
01-06 17:34:41.790 797 23046 E C01303/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(OnRemoteDied:2404)]On remote died.
01-06 17:34:41.790 902 1221 E C057c6/BinderInvoker: OnReleaseObject 499: DeadObject
01-06 17:34:41.790 797 23046 W C01303/AppMgrService: [app_running_record.cpp(RemoveAppDeathRecipient:1119)]Failed to remove deathRecipient.
01-06 17:34:41.790 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32217:Run:87 pick task gid=1552, qid=13 [AbilityManagerService] remains [6]
01-06 17:34:41.790 797 23046 I C01303/AppMgrService: [app_running_manager.cpp(OnRemoteDied:328)]processName: com.layabox.game.
01-06 17:34:41.790 797 23045 I C01300/Ability: [mission_list_manager.cpp(OnAbilityDied:2410)]On ability died.
01-06 17:34:41.790 338 701 I C02d10/ExtractRule: IsMatchPath: sourceFile is /data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/jscrash-com.layabox.game-20010080-20250106173441, name is /data/log/faultlog/, pattern is JS_ERROR\d+.
01-06 17:34:41.791 797 23045 I C01300/Ability: [mission_list_manager.cpp(PostCancelStartingWindowTask:2874)]call
01-06 17:34:41.790 797 23046 I C01303/AppMgrService: [app_running_manager.cpp(OnRemoteDied:331)]pid: 23051.
01-06 17:34:41.791 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32221:PushTask:51 push task gid=1553 to qid=13 [AbilityManagerService]
01-06 17:34:41.791 797 797 I C01719/ffrt: 32224:PushTask:51 push task gid=1554 to qid=13 [AbilityManagerService]
01-06 17:34:41.791 797 23045 I C01300/Ability: [mission_list_manager.cpp(HandleAbilityDied:2580)]Handle Ability Died.
01-06 17:34:41.791 338 701 I C02d10/ExtractRule: IsMatchPath: sourceFile is /data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/jscrash-com.layabox.game-20010080-20250106173441, name is /data/log/faultlog/, pattern is JS_ERROR\d+.
01-06 17:34:41.791 797 23045 I C01300/Ability: [mission_list_manager.cpp(HandleAbilityDiedByDefault:2624)]Handle Ability DiedByDefault.
01-06 17:34:41.791 797 797 I C01300/Ability: [ability_record.cpp(NotifyAnimationAbilityDied:2276)]Notification window manager UIAbiltiy abnormal death.
01-06 17:34:41.791 797 1155 E C04200/RemoteAnimation: <457>NotifyAnimationAbilityDied: wmsTaskHandler_ is nullptr
01-06 17:34:41.791 338 701 I C02d10/ExtractRule: IsMatchPath: sourceFile is /data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/jscrash-com.layabox.game-20010080-20250106173441, name is /data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/, pattern is jscrash-.*-\d+-\d+.
01-06 17:34:41.791 797 23046 W C01303/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(FinishUserTestLocked:3108)]not start user test
01-06 17:34:41.791 797 23046 I C01719/ffrt: 32234:PushTask:51 push task gid=1556 to qid=19 [app_state_task_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.791 338 701 E C02d10/ExtractRule: GetJsonArray: failed to get json array number startSeg.
01-06 17:34:41.791 338 701 E C02d10/ExtractRule: GetJsonArray: failed to get json array number segStack.
01-06 17:34:41.791 338 701 I C02d10/ExtractRule: ParseRule: ParseFile eventId JS_ERROR, FeatureId 07_JS_ERROR_00.
01-06 17:34:41.792 797 1155 I C04200/Container: <1693>------ dump window info end -------
01-06 17:34:41.792 797 23045 I C01719/ffrt: 32275:Run:87 pick task gid=1557, qid=16 [mission_listener_task_queue] remains [0]
01-06 17:34:41.792 338 701 I C02d10/ComposeRule: ParseComposeRule: ComposeRule ParseFile end.
01-06 17:34:41.792 797 23045 I C01300/Ability: [mission_listener_controller.cpp(operator():272)]NotifyMissionClosed, missionId:11.
01-06 17:34:41.792 797 1155 E C04200/Layout: <341>LayoutWindowNode: Node or it's parent is nullptr
01-06 17:34:41.792 338 701 I C02d10/FeatureAnalysis: AnalysisLog: <1736156081> begin analysis </data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/jscrash-com.layabox.game-20010080-20250106173441>, eventType is <JS_ERROR>.
01-06 17:34:41.792 1574 1834 E C01304/AbilityManagerService: [extension_ability_thread.cpp(SendResult:532)]abilityHandler_ is nullptr or requestCode is -1.
01-06 17:34:41.792 797 1155 E C04200/AvoidAreaController: <53>invalid WindowNode.
01-06 17:34:41.792 797 1155 I C04200/Container: <442>Remove Id: 20 end
01-06 17:34:41.792 797 1155 I C04200/Container: <486>HandleRemoveWindowDisplayOrientation: [FixOrientation] next rotatable window is fixed, do not animation
01-06 17:34:41.792 338 701 I C02d10/FeatureAnalysis: RawInfoPosition: <1736156081> skipStep is 32000. size:4
01-06 17:34:41.795 797 23074 I C01719/ffrt: 32356:Run:87 pick task gid=1556, qid=19 [app_state_task_queue] remains [2]
01-06 17:34:41.795 410 698 I C02800/InputWindowsManager: in PrintWindowInfo, windowId:[8,5,1,]
01-06 17:34:41.795 797 1382 I C01300/Ability: [ability_manager_service.cpp(GetMissionInfos:3876)]request GetMissionInfos.
01-06 17:34:41.795 797 1382 I C01300/Ability: [ability_manager_service.cpp(CheckIsRemote:2869)]CheckIsRemote: deviceId is empty.
01-06 17:34:41.795 797 1382 I C01300/Ability: [mission_info_mgr.cpp(GetMissionInfos:228)]numMax:20
01-06 17:34:41.796 403 3933 I C01799/MemMgr: AppStateObserver::OnAbilityStateChanged called, uid=20010080, pid=23051, bundleName=com.layabox.game Skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.796 797 23074 I C01719/ffrt: 32359:Run:87 pick task gid=1558, qid=19 [app_state_task_queue] remains [1]
01-06 17:34:41.796 403 1784 I C01799/MemMgr: AppStateObserver::OnAbilityStateChanged called, uid=20010080, pid=23051, bundleName=com.layabox.game Skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.797 403 528 I C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimPriorityManager::HandleTerminateProcess terminated: bundleName=com.layabox.game, pid=23051
01-06 17:34:41.797 403 528 E C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimStrategyManager::NotifyAppStateChanged has not been initialized_, skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.797 403 528 E C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimPriorityManager::IsProcExist account or bundle name not exist
01-06 17:34:41.797 403 528 E C01799/MemMgr: ReclaimPriorityManager::UpdateReclaimPriorityInner process not exist and not to create it!!
01-06 17:34:41.797 403 493 I C01799/MemMgr: AppStateObserver::OnAbilityStateChanged called, uid=20010080, pid=23051, bundleName=com.layabox.game Skiped!
01-06 17:34:41.797 1574 1574 I A0001b/Launcher_Default: AmsMissionManager --> getRecentMissionsList recentMissionsList length: 3
01-06 17:34:41.797 405 626 I C01706/ueaServer-FrameAwarePlugin: FrameAwarePlugin:DispatchResource type:4, value:5
01-06 17:34:41.797 408 22320 I C01710/BUNDLE_ACTIVE: [bundle_active_app_state_obsever.cpp(OnAbilityStateChanged):72]OnAblityStateChanged userid is 100, bundle name is com.layabox.game, event is 4, timestamp is 5514254
01-06 17:34:41.797 405 626 I C01719/ffrt: 3190:PushTask:51 push task gid=183 to qid=1 [frame_aware_sched_msg_queue]
01-06 17:34:41.797 405 23057 I C01719/ffrt: 3203:Run:87 pick task gid=183, qid=1 [frame_aware_sched_msg_queue] remains [0]
01-06 17:34:41.797 405 23057 I C01706/ueaServer-IntelliSenseServer: ProcessInfo NewDiedProcess
01-06 17:34:41.797 408 1611 I C01710/BUNDLE_ACTIVE: [bundle_active_report_handler.cpp(ProcessEvent):40]MSG_REPORT_EVENT CALLED
01-06 17:34:41.797 338 942 I C02d10/HiView-SysEventSource: CheckValidSysEvent: event[AAFWK|PROCESS_EXIT|58981] is valid.




IDE环境DevEco Studio 5.0.1 Release
Build #DS-233.14475.28.36.505315
Build Version:, built on January 3, 2025
Runtime version: 17.0.12+1-b1087.25 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 11.0
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 1536M
Cores: 16
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